"Do Yi La!" Blessed Wenchang Chicken
“If there's no chicken, it's not a banquet” is a common saying in Wenchang, and when locals celebrate Chinese New Year, they always eat local chicken.
Starting out free range before being caged and fattened, Wenchang chickens are usually around ten months old seen they're slaughtered. Ever since he was a little bit, Han Hanfu's grandmother told him “as a Wenchanger, you need to know how to raise and cook Wenchang chickens.”
Growing up in a village in Tanniu, “the home of Wenchang Chicken,” Han Hanfu's life has always been intertwined with the story of Wenchang chickens.
Days go slowly but years fly fast. The now 53-year-old Mr. Han has—after going out in search of adventure—returned to Tanniu where he runs the Tianci Village Farm Restaurant.
One year after another. One generation after another. Regarding the story of Wenchang Chicken, he feels that this place is the best place from which to share it.