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Huang Xinyu

  Huang Xinyu was born in November 1986 in Wanning, Hainan Province. She studied Law at International Economic Law School of the China University of Political Science and Law and then obtained her master’s degree from Hainan University. Judge Huang joined the Communist Party in December 2004. She began her career in September 2008, starting in Yijia Industrial Limited Company of Hainan, and subsequently the First Civil Division, Case-filing Division and Tribunal of Environmental and Natural Resource in the Second Intermediate People’s Court of Hainan Province. Judge Huang was appointed as an assistant judge in March 2014 and a judge in September 2015. In June 2017, she was designated as a Judge of the First Rank.


  黄心宇,女,汉族,1986年生,海南万宁人。中国政法大学国际经济法学院法学专业本科毕业,海南大学法学院法律(法学)专业,研究生学历,法律硕士(法学)学位。2004年12月加入中国共产党, 2008年9月参加工作,先后在海南颐佳实业有限公司、海南省第二中级人民法院民一庭、立案庭、环资庭工作。2014年3月任助理审判员,2015年9月任审判员。2017年6月任一级法官。

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