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[Civil Code] Chapter VI Civil Juristic Acts Section 3 Expression of Intent(143-157)

Chapter 6 Civil Juristic Acts

第六章 民事法律行为

Section 3 Effect of a Civil Juristic Act

第三节 民事法律行为的效力

Article 143

A civil juristic act is valid if the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) the person performing the act has the required capacity for performing civil juristic acts;

(2) the intent expressed by the person is true; and

(3) the act does not violate any mandatory provisions of laws or administrative

regulations, nor offend public order or good morals.






Article 144

A civil juristic act performed by a person who has no capacity for performing civil juristic acts is void.



Article 145

A civil juristic act, performed by a person with limited capacity for performing civil juristic acts, which is purely beneficial to the person or is appropriate to the age, intelligence, or mental status of the person is valid; any other civil juristic act performed by such a person is valid if a consent or ratification is obtained from his legal representative.

A third person involved in the act performed by a person with limited capacity for performing civil juristic acts may request the legal representative of the latter to ratify the act within 30 days from receipt of the notification. Inaction of the legal representative is deemed as refusal of ratification. Before such an act is ratified, a bona fide third person is entitled to revoke the act. The revocation shall be made by





Article 146

A civil juristic act performed by a person and another person based on a false expression of intent is void.

Where an expression of intent deliberately conceals a civil juristic act, the validity of the concealed act shall be determined in accordance with the relevant laws.




Article 147

Where a civil juristic act is performed based on serious misunderstanding, the person who performs the act has the right to request the people’s court or an arbitration institution to revoke the act.



Article 148

Where a party by fraudulent means induces the other party to perform a civil juristic act against the latter’s true intention, the defrauded party has the right to request the people’s court or an arbitration institution to revoke the act.



Article 149

Where a party knows or should have known that a civil juristic act performed by the other party is based on a third person’s fraudulent act and is against the other party’s true intention, the defrauded party has the right to request the people’s court or an arbitration institution to revoke the civil juristic act.



Article 150

Where a party performs a civil juristic act against its true intention owing to duress of the other party or a third person, the coerced party has the right to request the people’s court or an arbitration institution to revoke the civil juristic act.



Article 151

In situations such as where one party takes advantage of the other party that is in a desperate situation or lacks the ability of making judgment, and as a result the civil juristic act thus performed is obviously unfair, the damaged party is entitled to request the people’s court or an arbitration institution to revoke the act.



Article 152

A party’s right to revoke a civil juristic act is extinguished under any of the following circumstances:

(1) the party has failed to exercise the right to revocation within one year from the date when it knows or should have known of the cause for revocation, or within 90 days from the date when the party who has performed the act with serious misunderstanding knows or should have known of the cause for revocation;

(2) the party acting under duress has failed to exercise the right to revocation within one year from the date when the duress ceases; or

(3) the party who becomes aware of the cause for revocation waives the right to revocation expressly or through its own conduct.

The right to revocation is extinguished if the party fails to exercise it within five years from the date when the civil juristic act has been performed.







Article 153

A civil juristic act in violation of the mandatory provisions of laws or administrative regulations is void, unless such mandatory provisions do not lead to invalidity of such a civil juristic act.

A civil juristic act that offends the public order and good morals is void.




Article 154

A civil juristic act is void if it is conducted through malicious collusion between the actor and a counterparty and thus harms the lawful rights and interests of another person.



Article 155

A void or revoked civil juristic act does not have any legal force ab initio.



Article 156

If invalidation of a part of a civil juristic act does not affect the validity of the other part, the other part of the act remains valid.



Article 157

Where a civil juristic act is void, revoked, or is determined to have no legal effect, the property thus obtained by a person as a result of the act shall be returned, or compensation be made based on the appraised value of the property if it is impossible or meaningless to return the property. Unless otherwise provided by law, the loss thus incurred upon the other party shall be compensated by the party at fault, or, if both parties are at fault, by the parties proportionally.



satisfied /valid 有效

invalidity 无效

revoke the act 撤销

cause for revocation 撤销事由

right to revocation 撤销权

true intention 真实意思

serious misunderstanding 重大误解

obviously unfair 显失公平

false expression of intent 虚假的意思表示

concealed act 隐藏的行为

fraudulent act 欺诈行为

inaction 未作表示;无行动,不作为

defrauded party 受欺诈方

damaged party 受损害方

coerced party 受胁迫方

party at fault 过错方 

Civil Code 143
Civil Code 144
Civil Code 145
Civil Code 146
Civil Code 147
Civil Code 148
Civil Code 149
Civil Code 150
Civil Code 151
Civil Code 152
Civil Code 153
Civil Code 154
Civil Code 155
Civil Code 156
Civil Code 157
Civil Code Chapter VI Section 3 (143-157)
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