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[Civil Code] Chapter VIII Chapter 8 Civil Liability(176-187)

Chapter 8 Civil Liability

第八章 民事责任

Article 176

A person of the civil law shall perform civil-law obligations and bear civil liability in accordance with law or the agreement of the parties.




Article 177

Where two or more persons assume shared liability in accordance with law, each person shall bear the liability in proportion to their respective share of fault if such share can be determined, or in equal share if such share cannot be determined.




Article 178

Where two or more persons assume joint and several liability in accordance with law, the right holder has the right to request some or all of them to bear the liability.

The persons subjected to joint and several liability shall each bear the liability in proportion to their respective share of fault, or in equal share if such share cannot be determined. A person who has assumed the liability more than his share of fault has the right to contribution against the other person(s) subjected to the joint and several liability.

Joint and several liability shall be either provided by law or agreed upon by the parties.






Article 179

The main forms of civil liability include:

(1) cessation of the infringement;

(2) removal of the nuisance;

(3) elimination of the danger;

(4) restitution;

(5) restoration;

(6) repair, redoing, or replacement;

(7) continuance of performance;

(8) compensation for losses;

(9) payment of liquidated damages;

(10) elimination of adverse effects and rehabilitation of reputation; and

(11) extension of apologies.

Where punitive damages are available as provided by law, such provisions shall be followed.

The forms of civil liability provided in this Article may be applied separately or concurrently.

















Article 180

A person who is unable to perform his civil-law obligations due to force majeure bears no civil liability, unless otherwise provided by law.

Force majeure” means objective conditions which are unforeseeable, unavoidable, and insurmountable.





Article 181

A person who causes harm to the tort-feasor out of a justifiable defense bears no civil liability.

A person who, when acting out of justifiable defense, exceeds the necessary limit and thus causes undue harm to the tort-feasor shall bear appropriate civil liability





Article 182

Where a person when seeking to avoid a peril in response to an emergency causes harm to others, the person who creates the peril shall bear civil liability.

Where the peril is caused by natural forces, the person who causes harm to others when seeking to avoid the peril bears no civil liability, but may make appropriate compensation.

Where the measures adopted by a person seeking to avoid a peril in response to an emergency are improper or exceed the necessary limit and thus cause undue harm to others, the person shall bear appropriate civil liability.






Article 183

Where a party is injured for protecting the civil-law rights and interests of another person, the tortfeasor shall bear civil liability, and the beneficiary may make appropriate compensation to the injured person. In the absence of a tortfeasor, or if the tortfeasor flees or is incapable of assuming civil liability, upon request of the injured person, the beneficiary shall make appropriate compensation.




Article 184

A person who voluntarily engages in rescuing another person in an emergency situation and thus causes harm to the latter person bears no civil liability.




Article 185

A person who infringes upon the name, likeness, reputation, or honor of a hero or a martyr and thus harms the social public interests shall bear civil liability.




Article 186

Where a party’s breach of contract causes harm to the other party’s personal or proprietary rights and interests, the latter party may elect to request the former to bear liability either for breach of contract or for commission of tort.




Article 187

Where a person of the civil law has to concurrently bear civil, administrative, and criminal liabilities as a result of the same act performed by him, the assumption of administrative or criminal liabilities by the person may not affect the civil liability he should bear. If the assets of the person are insufficient to pay for all the liabilities, the civil liability shall be paid first.




perform civil-law obligation 履行民事义务

bear civil liability 承担民事责任

bear administrative liability 承担行政责任

bear criminal liability 承担刑事责任

assumption of liability 承担责任

★注:承担liability的前提正是违反了obligation、duty等。此外,obligation通常指因双方或多方之间的债权债务关系而产生的责任、义务;duty适用范围则更广,比如moral duty道德义务等。

the right holder 权利人

beneficiary 受益人

tortfeasor 侵权人

proprietary rights and interests 财产权益

personal rights and interests 人身权益

force majeure 不可抗力

unforeseeable 不可预见

unavoidable 不可避免

insurmountable 不可克服

justifiable defense 正当防卫

assume shared liability 按份责任

joint and several liability 连带责任

restitution 返还财产

restoration 恢复原状

liquidated damages 违约金

punitive damages 惩罚性赔偿 

Civil Code 176
Civil Code 177
Civil Code 178
Civil Code 179
Civil Code 180
Civil Code 181
Civil Code 182
Civil Code 182
Civil Code 184
Civil Code 185
Civil Code 186
Civil Code 187
Civil Code Chapter VIII (176-187)
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