Civil Appeal
The Appellant, dissatisfying with the Civil Judgment/Decision [( ) Z.No. ____] issued by____people’s court on (M/D/Y) in terms of the dispute between the Appellant and the Appllee, hereby lodges an appeal.
Facts and Reasons:
Best Regards
×× People’s Court
Attachments: ____copies of the Appeal, ____copies of evidences and their list.
Signature and Seal of the Appellant
上诉人因与被上诉人之间 纠纷一案,不服 人民法院 年 月 日作出的( ) 字第 号民事判决/裁定书,现提出上诉。
附:上诉状副本 份,证据目录及证据 份。
年 月 日
1.A civil appeal is an instrument used by a party dissatisfying with the first-instance civil judgment or decision for lodging an appeal to a higher court according to legal procedures and time limit.
2. General information of the parties shall be clearly specified, including (1) for a natural person, name, gender, age, ethnicity, domicile, contact information, ID number; (2) for a legal persons or other organizations, name, domicile, the name, title and contact information of the legal representative or the main superintendent.
3. The Appeals shall state the claims on whole or part reversal and remandment, remand for retrial, etc.
4. The objective truth of the dispute, the factual basis and legal basis for dissatisfaction with the original judgment and decision.
5. Copies of an appeal shall be submitted based on the number of opposite parties.
6. All evidences submitted shall be stated in the evidence list.
7. An appeal shall be dated at its end and signed by a party in person (if the party is a natural person) or by the legal representative or the superintendent on behalf the party (if the party is a legal person or other organizations) with affixing the official seal.
8.The Chinese template must be submitted in the process of legal proceedings.